Brett Kestenbaum

Brett escaped the winters of his native New York, in order to attend grad school at NOVA Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He took a job at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego following graduation. Brett has chosen to pursue a versatile background in physical therapy, by providing care to a highly dynamic patient population in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Outside of physical therapy, Brett is an avid golfer and hosts narrative podcasts in healthcare, while studying lifestyle design.

NPTE Audio Education – Cranial Nerves 1-12

cranial nerves physical therapy

Are you having trouble remembering the cranial nerves for your physical therapy exam? Do you know everything you need to know about them? Was cranial nerve 9 the anterior 1/3 of the tongue? Or was it Cranial Nerve 8? Or maybe it was another one… If you don’t know, don’t ...

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5 Reasons Per Diem Physical Therapy Works for Me

5 reasons per diem PT works for me

One question I’m often asked is, “how do you get by without the benefits of a full-time physical therapy position?”  In order to answer that, you have to consider what, exactly, are benefits, anyway? Essentially, benefits, from the perspective of an employee, are another way to get paid.  If you have paid ...

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How to Register for the NPTE in all 50 States

How to register for the NPTE

Hey New Grads!  Congratulations on making it to the NPTE! We created this resource because new graduate physical therapists like you have the challenge of both preparing for and to apply for the NPTE once you complete your education. I know… Why is it a challenge to apply for the board exam?  Great ...

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