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NewGradPhysicalTherapy (NGPT) exists for you! Every article we publish is created with the intent of helping new graduates become the best they can be, and to allow creatives in rehab to showcase their passion. Tell us what you want, and we will do our best to create it for you!
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Do you have questions or would you like to engage in conversation with a specific writer? Email us and let us know and they will surely get back to you!
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NGPT is a FREE source of information and community for young rehab professionals, however it takes time and resources to create the best possible content and experience for the NewGrad community. We work with a select number of advertisers and sponsors, and will only support companies with products or services we trust and believe in. Find more information about becoming a sponsor or advertiser here, or use the contact form below to get in touch!
Join the team or write a guest post!
Are you the type of person who loves to share your passion? Do you enjoy writing, graphic design, photography, or journalism? Do you consider yourself an artist? Let NGPT be the platform you use to showcase your passion! Email us and join the team today.